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17. grade 11. sports. music. english. photography.
imperfection is beauty, madness is genuis and its better to be absolutly rediculous than absolutly boring. marilyn monroe *

Monday, February 9, 2009

Ken Robinson

I agree with the ideas that Ken Robinson suggested in his presentation. Creativity has defiantly diminished in the education system today. My favourite part of the whole speech was when he spoke of the dancer who was thought to have ADHD. This part of his speech really caught my interest because my cousin is going to be in grade 1 next year and right now he is being monitored for ADHD. Now he doesn't like to sit still and that’s a given but he is a kid that is all about sports and having hands on activities and for him colouring just does not suffice. Now his twin brother is the ideal student for a teacher he loves to colour and sit and be quiet but my other cousin is just the complete opposite. I believe that a child that is loud or more hands on or maybe just doesn't want to colour shouldn’t have to be subjected to be put on medication or be treated in a way that is demeaning. My theory is that if you put an effervescent child on medication at a young age then that student then is placed in a mindset that they are telling themselves that they are different and they aren’t good enough and no matter how hard they try it doesn’t matter they are overactive children who don’t want to sit still but someone has come along and says take this sit down and be quite. Now this child is set in a mind frame that allows them to slack off because they feel “what’s the use it’s not like I’m going anywhere anyways " and the longer they play dumb the easier their workload becomes. And I know that’s wrong to judge or assume that but in real sense that’s what happens I mean sure some kids overcome whatever doubts they have on themselves but if someone told me at age 6 I was too overactive and different and I needed medicated I would defiantly feel less committed to my work. It’s all about perception an overactive child could very well just be a kid being a kid and nothing more many children grow out of it, but I don’t think that medicating them is the answer to our problems.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

My blogging experience is very limited. This is my first blog ever.

- Miranda.