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17. grade 11. sports. music. english. photography.
imperfection is beauty, madness is genuis and its better to be absolutly rediculous than absolutly boring. marilyn monroe *

Monday, April 27, 2009

Once upon a School.....

Amazing Idea! I love it i really, really do I love it, for San Fransisco. For Ingersoll... not so much. Its an interesting concept for a large town. In a small town like ingersoll there is so much pressure to fit in and going to a homework help centre isn't the ideal place. I feel as thought in a larger town this idea would flourish and really become a unique and helpful environment but because of the students of today that live in small towns like Ingersoll there is too much "bad rep" surrounding a place like 826 Valencia. Much like the discussion we had in class there is a lot of baggage that comes with going into a different social hangout such as the Fusion centre. I've only been to Fusion once and that was when it first opened and we were able to take free tours. It was such a cool place and there were tons of activities and resources, but now I wouldn't dare to go into there because of the reputation it has. Fusion is notorious for "sketchy" people and as much as we try to hide it we care about how other people portray us especially our peers. So as an elementary student going into a place designed to not just help kids with homework but to also give them a place to expand on their learning is terrifying because students are afraid of what other students will think. They do not want to be labeled dumb or incapable and they don't want people to know if they do need help, and in a small town like Ingersoll there is a good chance that other students will find out. Thus my point being that in a large city this idea would work outstandingly however in our quaint town it most defiantly will not.

You have to Believe it To see It!

[bi-leev] , -lieved, -liev⋅ing.
–verb (used without object)
to have confidence in the truth, the existence, or the reliability of something, although without absolute proof that one is right in doing so: Only if one believes in something can one act purposefully.

"The confidence in the truth -without proof" Did you confidently believe that Christmas morning Santa Clause would bring you presents? Did you confidently believe that an actually fair took your tooth in the night and left money? "Santa" did bring your presents and the "Tooth Fairy" did leave money did they not? Make believe yes but does that mean that when you have children are you not going to carry on the Santa Clause tradition? Just because there is no science behind a fat man in a sleigh that delivers presents all over the world in one night doesn't mean you won't wake up early on Christmas when you were 6 to open that new red bike. Its the idea the magic behind it all. Now religion that is a touchy subject, we haven't personally seen God but there is still church on Sundays - people still go and practice their faith why? because they believe. They believe the stories that are told in the bible and they believe in the acts of God. And they aren't wrong in anyway, why shouldn't they believe? Why is believing in God different then believing in Santa? Sure you grow out of Santa after the 12th kid in your grade 8 class tells your that he isn't real and you get the nerve to ask your parents but that doesn't mean in your heart he isn't real. God is real if you believe, why look for more than your own faith. Why challenge your thoughts? Sure if you want more you want proof you strive for that fact of knowledge, yes he lived? or no he didn't? Personally I believe in god, that opinion won't change even after the 100th article i read on how he isn't real. To me he is real, even though i haven't seen him. But i haven't seen a Easter Bunny either.

Tweet on this!

9:44 - created twitter account

9:45 - creeped on what everyone in the whole world was doing

9:46 - failed to see the importance.

Really now we need one more thing to boast about our lives? that's all twitter is, "omg did you know that Kari ate an orange peal at 5:41am?!" "omg no way!" really? If i actually had twitter I'd be there every minute putting some crazy thing to make everyone jealous.

3:47 1/2 am - Miranda bought a new pink striped elephant named Skippy and is going to feed it carrots.

see now isn't that cool? i feel pretty cool!

Now onto the topic. Twitter and Dying two lovely conversation starters if i do say so myself, its something you may what to bring up at the next party, just saying! First thing i think about when i tweet is man, I'm lonely today i think I'm going to tweet about it! I think tweeting is so self indulged to be even close to lonely. Its all about who's doing the best thing at 8:65! If you are lonely and tweet about it then that's your own business go ahead put it on twitter that's what its their for but i guarantee most "tweeters" do not tweet because they are lonely or afraid of death?! they just want to be heard and even if no one ever looks at their profile it still feels good that a piece of you is "out there".

note to self - never tweet.

Dang them teenie-boppers... they don't know a gosh darn thing!

Lazy? really? Idle? your sure? Slothful? come on now! Do nothing? i don't think so! Sluggish? ouch! No wonder we have low self esteems! Teenagers are taking an educational beating! So we read this article in class on a prof who is under the impression that teenagers are lazy, good for nothing, can't walk a uphill backwards in a snowstorm with no shoes human beings. I kinda take offence to this... kinda. Its the age of Nowikipediaphobia and the fear of the all knowing websites being yanked from under their fragile feet. Its a time where information is a quick click away and books can be read online to you for the low low price of $20! But we do we "lack in the ability to learn independently" we rely on technology because really it works for us in high school. High school that beautiful place of ease and fun, where the days are short and the assignments have "stretchable" due dates. Teachers sometimes think colouring posters is a good way to show English books and math has songs and dances to help you "learn" an overall daycare is what it is. High school is where they put teenagers until they are old enough for university, Teachers should be getting payed $5 an hour for every kid they teach. Because really that's what they are doing, we go through high school just so we can get to university and be taught all new things in all new ways in an all new building in an all new town. Its really a traumatic experience but hey who doesn't need a life scaring moment every now and then right? I think the only solution for the universities and colleges to be happy with high school is collaborate their teaching methods teach the formats that they will be using don't waste time and try to dumb it down for us because they aren't dumbing it down for us there. Taking shortcuts or changing the way it should be done is so confusing and really doesn't help us in the long run!

For Those About To Rock - Get your lab coats

In class we watched a video on the Large Hadron Collider, and boy was it neat. Nothing more exciting than antimatter and blowin stuff up and Switzerland! Good stuff, good stuff! Actually it was pretty cool but the coolest was the dream-boat of a presenter Mr. Brian Cox, I'd listen to anything that came out of his mouth. Just kidding, but really that's a brilliant idea for CERN wasn't it? Putting a young "hip", down to earth, former rock star to explain this somewhat, kinda sorta interesting topic but man its way cooler when a guy with shaggy hair explains it! You think sciency stuff its all sweater vests, taped glasses, and flood pants but no not this guy he's the anti-nerd! I give "mad props" to the guy who thought it would be a great idea for him to present this because he knows how to level with the "young" crowd. Science has defiantly turned over a new leaf.

"Science is My Job"

We read an article on the topic of whether Science and Religion can co-exist. The two sides show that their are people who follow in faith of God and their personal religions and those who do not and take the path of Science. It is difficult to find both in one person. Personally I think that its hard to say, most people want to believe that God is in our hearts not to be seen but to be followed but there is the Science side that says that they need proof they want to see they want to feel and they want to know the facts. I am a religious person I am an avid church go'er and the whole shebang but i have questions about it no doubts there, its so difficult to believe in some things stuff just seems way out there like there isn't anyway that could possibly happen! But you just believe it, in your heart anyways you want to believe it. Its hard to explain - i wish i could explain it - but it seems that if you search for the answers long and hard enough you have a pretty good chance of finding them, but there are those who don't want those kind of answers they want the things they've been taught their whole life, stuff that their parents and their grandparents believed because that's just the way it is. Science and Religion are two different spectrum's, two polar opposites that are brought together in the middle by those who want those die hard answers but still want to believe. They can co-exist.

Earth Hour '09

Earth hour, an idea - a good one at that - that is supposed to bring awareness to the impending doom that is falling over our home planet. Its an whole hour that's 60 minutes, which is 3,600 seconds, a moment in time where we sit in the dark; bond with the family, protect the great earth. A whole hour doesn't sound great? Useful? Brilliant? Anyone who's anyone can go for a whole hour in the dark right? Not a hard task? What is a hard task is what happens after that hour is done, do you turn on your light and then go online to purchase your brand new hybrid vehicle? do you sort through every garbage in your house and recycle each plastic, paper and glass thing you see? Most people probably not but hey they turned their lights off for a whole hour that means they did their share right? That's how it works right? Yea Earth hour is a great idea but i think more should be put behind it, because its so much more than turning off lights for an hour its to show the effort to do something ELSE good for the earth too. Even if its riding your bike to work or school for one day or opening a window instead of putting on the a/c. Its just that little bit more motivation to do something ELSE good.

Ipods in class

Being a huge fan of ipods and music in general, i am personally against the ban of ipod use in the classroom. Now it isn't so evident in our own school but places like St.Mary's have strict rules against this technology. For me i think that it helps me concentrate and work harder on in class assignments because its a way to block out the rest of the noises in class and you can really focus. Which sounds weird because it doesn't sound like an easy task to focus on music and work but really you just hear the music in the back of your mind and that keeps you from being actually distracted with conversations that are happening around the class. I think that ipods should be allowed to be used during times when we have independent seat work and or during quizzes.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

The Pope says......

While the Pope was visiting Africa over the last few weeks he made the statement that condoms do not prevent the spread of HIV. Is he serious? Everyone know the truth that condoms do help stop the spread of STD's, and to tell all those people that it doesn't is absolutly rediculous. But then again if the church says it, it must be so.... or so we think. This is just another way of spreading milichious lies about things that are so far away from the truth but to many of those he told this may be their only truth I mean the Popes a pretty well known guy and if he's saying something then who are we to question it? Even though common sense and plain facts are clearly telling us otherwise.

A+ for All!

We read this artical on a teacher that gave all his students A+'s which in a way can be seen in two differnet ways, yes it takes the stress off trying to beat everyone and strain yourself for this top mark, nevertheless running yourself to the ground trying to get there. But it also allows the students who don't really care about the mark and are just there to be there to ride the whole semsester and do nothing and get an amazing mark that next year teachers will think is fantastic and expect them to preform at an A+ level, but this student can't do that because he or she has never learned anything, by choice.

Oak Island

Oak Island,

an artical that we read that was the story about the mystery of the island, that has puzzled many treasure hunters and historians for years. Personally I think that Oak Island was built long ago and underneith the island there is a labyrinth. There isn't much proof to backup this theory other than I like labyrinths and therefore I want there to be one under there.. no but really with everything that they are finding I think they are just hitting the tops of an underground and underwater labyrinth, which in all honestly would be pretty cool :)