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17. grade 11. sports. music. english. photography.
imperfection is beauty, madness is genuis and its better to be absolutly rediculous than absolutly boring. marilyn monroe *

Monday, April 27, 2009

Tweet on this!

9:44 - created twitter account

9:45 - creeped on what everyone in the whole world was doing

9:46 - failed to see the importance.

Really now we need one more thing to boast about our lives? that's all twitter is, "omg did you know that Kari ate an orange peal at 5:41am?!" "omg no way!" really? If i actually had twitter I'd be there every minute putting some crazy thing to make everyone jealous.

3:47 1/2 am - Miranda bought a new pink striped elephant named Skippy and is going to feed it carrots.

see now isn't that cool? i feel pretty cool!

Now onto the topic. Twitter and Dying two lovely conversation starters if i do say so myself, its something you may what to bring up at the next party, just saying! First thing i think about when i tweet is man, I'm lonely today i think I'm going to tweet about it! I think tweeting is so self indulged to be even close to lonely. Its all about who's doing the best thing at 8:65! If you are lonely and tweet about it then that's your own business go ahead put it on twitter that's what its their for but i guarantee most "tweeters" do not tweet because they are lonely or afraid of death?! they just want to be heard and even if no one ever looks at their profile it still feels good that a piece of you is "out there".

note to self - never tweet.

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