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17. grade 11. sports. music. english. photography.
imperfection is beauty, madness is genuis and its better to be absolutly rediculous than absolutly boring. marilyn monroe *

Monday, April 27, 2009

Dang them teenie-boppers... they don't know a gosh darn thing!

Lazy? really? Idle? your sure? Slothful? come on now! Do nothing? i don't think so! Sluggish? ouch! No wonder we have low self esteems! Teenagers are taking an educational beating! So we read this article in class on a prof who is under the impression that teenagers are lazy, good for nothing, can't walk a uphill backwards in a snowstorm with no shoes human beings. I kinda take offence to this... kinda. Its the age of Nowikipediaphobia and the fear of the all knowing websites being yanked from under their fragile feet. Its a time where information is a quick click away and books can be read online to you for the low low price of $20! But we do we "lack in the ability to learn independently" we rely on technology because really it works for us in high school. High school that beautiful place of ease and fun, where the days are short and the assignments have "stretchable" due dates. Teachers sometimes think colouring posters is a good way to show English books and math has songs and dances to help you "learn" an overall daycare is what it is. High school is where they put teenagers until they are old enough for university, Teachers should be getting payed $5 an hour for every kid they teach. Because really that's what they are doing, we go through high school just so we can get to university and be taught all new things in all new ways in an all new building in an all new town. Its really a traumatic experience but hey who doesn't need a life scaring moment every now and then right? I think the only solution for the universities and colleges to be happy with high school is collaborate their teaching methods teach the formats that they will be using don't waste time and try to dumb it down for us because they aren't dumbing it down for us there. Taking shortcuts or changing the way it should be done is so confusing and really doesn't help us in the long run!

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