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17. grade 11. sports. music. english. photography.
imperfection is beauty, madness is genuis and its better to be absolutly rediculous than absolutly boring. marilyn monroe *

Monday, April 27, 2009

Once upon a School.....

Amazing Idea! I love it i really, really do I love it, for San Fransisco. For Ingersoll... not so much. Its an interesting concept for a large town. In a small town like ingersoll there is so much pressure to fit in and going to a homework help centre isn't the ideal place. I feel as thought in a larger town this idea would flourish and really become a unique and helpful environment but because of the students of today that live in small towns like Ingersoll there is too much "bad rep" surrounding a place like 826 Valencia. Much like the discussion we had in class there is a lot of baggage that comes with going into a different social hangout such as the Fusion centre. I've only been to Fusion once and that was when it first opened and we were able to take free tours. It was such a cool place and there were tons of activities and resources, but now I wouldn't dare to go into there because of the reputation it has. Fusion is notorious for "sketchy" people and as much as we try to hide it we care about how other people portray us especially our peers. So as an elementary student going into a place designed to not just help kids with homework but to also give them a place to expand on their learning is terrifying because students are afraid of what other students will think. They do not want to be labeled dumb or incapable and they don't want people to know if they do need help, and in a small town like Ingersoll there is a good chance that other students will find out. Thus my point being that in a large city this idea would work outstandingly however in our quaint town it most defiantly will not.

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