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17. grade 11. sports. music. english. photography.
imperfection is beauty, madness is genuis and its better to be absolutly rediculous than absolutly boring. marilyn monroe *

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Growing Up Online.

Technology in school, I feel that today our world is ran by technology and there isn't much we can do to stop it. You can place 100 "do not use your cell phone signs" in a school and kids will still whip them out in class and send 200 texts at a speed no adult can comprehend. Its the way our society is turning and although we are trying to slow it down really there is no way we can. In respects the old methods of teaching are a dying breed, we are slowly slipping away from what used to hold such content and substance. However i feel that with the times changing the way they are the old methods of teaching no longer can be applied. Teenage students are so used to having everything happened fast, they can talk to their friends fast, they can order food fast, they can read books fast. They seem to able to learn fast but the fast you learn the more you miss. I can see that there is no use in trying to change how society is working but rather the education system (as much as it doesn't want to) will have to adapt. Teachers are going to have to re-do their lessons and bring them up to speed with how students are learning. Or else the attention and focus of all lessons will be lost because we as a generation simply cannot stay focused for that long. I feel that the students of today are fast moving and they will not slow down, they don't have the time to read hamlet or Frankenstein or any classics because there is something else that needs to be done. Part time jobs that need to be attended too and math homework that takes twice as long as it used to in the past. There is no time for reading in today's teenage life as depressing as that sounds. We simply can not sit still that long.

1 comment:

  1. I'm still traumatised by the thought of the ringtone or whatever it was that I can't and will never hear
