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17. grade 11. sports. music. english. photography.
imperfection is beauty, madness is genuis and its better to be absolutly rediculous than absolutly boring. marilyn monroe *

Sunday, June 14, 2009

5 biggest issues facing mankind!

1 - Technology - although we have advanced so emmencly throughout these last few years i feel that technology is a large issue in todays world. As much as it helps us it also hinders us in a large way. With every action there is an equal reaction and i feel that the more we push the boundries of technology the bigger the problem will become.
2 - Disease - like we say with the swine flu i can see that disease is an everlasting issue with our world today. It seems as though as we progress we also bring with us destruction and these diseases are a large issue that seems to be restricting our society.
3 - Environment - the actual environment itself isnt an issue that faces mankind however what mankind is doing to the environment is! We are clearly able to see how our poor efforts to reduce global warming are slowly coming back to haunt us. I feel that this is a large issue because there will soon be need for resources that we are quickly using up.
4 - War - it needs to stop and there are no other questions about it.
5 - Poverty - why does a country have to live with no food or water or even a home while those in Western society live it up and don't care about the scraps they throw away or the new pool they install. We need to learn how to care for those that are not ourselves.

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