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17. grade 11. sports. music. english. photography.
imperfection is beauty, madness is genuis and its better to be absolutly rediculous than absolutly boring. marilyn monroe *

Monday, April 27, 2009

"Science is My Job"

We read an article on the topic of whether Science and Religion can co-exist. The two sides show that their are people who follow in faith of God and their personal religions and those who do not and take the path of Science. It is difficult to find both in one person. Personally I think that its hard to say, most people want to believe that God is in our hearts not to be seen but to be followed but there is the Science side that says that they need proof they want to see they want to feel and they want to know the facts. I am a religious person I am an avid church go'er and the whole shebang but i have questions about it no doubts there, its so difficult to believe in some things stuff just seems way out there like there isn't anyway that could possibly happen! But you just believe it, in your heart anyways you want to believe it. Its hard to explain - i wish i could explain it - but it seems that if you search for the answers long and hard enough you have a pretty good chance of finding them, but there are those who don't want those kind of answers they want the things they've been taught their whole life, stuff that their parents and their grandparents believed because that's just the way it is. Science and Religion are two different spectrum's, two polar opposites that are brought together in the middle by those who want those die hard answers but still want to believe. They can co-exist.

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