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17. grade 11. sports. music. english. photography.
imperfection is beauty, madness is genuis and its better to be absolutly rediculous than absolutly boring. marilyn monroe *

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Final Project *tear*

I feel that my project went okay. I had more information about the topics and defiantly more video clips and clips that i could have shown for longer periods of time but i was listening to the reaction of the class and thought that i maybe should move on. However i thought that my message was conveyed and the topic that i was trying to show the class was explained. Laughter was an easy topic to come up with because i love making people laugh and i love laughing but trying to explain it was harder than i thought. I started out thinking i could make different funny videos but my mom said no one would laugh if i tried that hard. And then i thought of making a laughter timeline which kind of branched into the history of comedy and laughter. I think that my project deserved an 80/100 because i should have stuck with my gut and not chicken out by skipping over videos and such. I feel like i did put a lot of effort into this project it was a hard topic to complete but i hope that i got my message across :)

Angels and Demons... the theatrical version.

Well.. so many complaints so little time. Firstly yes there were no legs, none there were however a very nice skirt with leggings and i believe knee high boots. Some key things about the movie i did not enjoy were

1. the very evident lack of legs on Miss. Vittoria Vetra

2. the personal disconnect with her lab partner not being her father, in the novel there was that personal connection when Vittoria is talking to the Camerlengo about the loss of their fathers and it seemed to add more character depth.

3. The summon for Robert Langdon was no more than an image printed from Google. Any yahoo can get an Illuminati symbol off a website, it was the branding that brought him to the Vatican in the first place, not some man in a suit with a fax saying "look dude this is legit".

4. Speedo. 'Nuff said.

5. The lack of super cool flying jet... they honestly got to Rome in a helicopter that would be a long flight.

6. The Hassan. This was a love hate thing, I enjoyed that he was not your average un-hearted hassan but I was expecting a little more than a dude who was just yanked out of a comic book store.

7. There was no physical connection between the Hassan and Vittoria. This made the ending of the novel more intense not only did geezer Langdon have to save the Vatican he now must also save the much younger and unrealistical love match from her uncertain doom.

8. The non death of the fourth cardinal.

9. THE ILLUMINATI DIAMOND THAT APPARENTLY DOESN'T EXIST. What the effbomb was with the keys. that's just lame. Epic Fail.

Some things i did enjoy about the movie included:

1. The explanation of anti mater though it would be impossible to create that much it was interesting to see and how CERN looks and works.

2. The location was excellent it really depicted how i thought of it in my mind.

3. The deaths of the 3 cardinals were done exceptionally well and very believable right down to the branding.

4. It was very well edited there were no lulls or moments of "boringness" which kept the moving going at a high pace and it was hard to take your eyes off the screen.

The Pope 2.0

hahahahah. Not only did i die laughing when i heard this but i also found it pretty funny. I am a huge fan of being able to FB message the pope if I'm having some issues spiritually. Just one click away eh? This is truly the best idea the Vatican has come up with however it stands just behind the one of bringing Robert Langdon in for their special ops misson.

5 biggest issues facing mankind!

1 - Technology - although we have advanced so emmencly throughout these last few years i feel that technology is a large issue in todays world. As much as it helps us it also hinders us in a large way. With every action there is an equal reaction and i feel that the more we push the boundries of technology the bigger the problem will become.
2 - Disease - like we say with the swine flu i can see that disease is an everlasting issue with our world today. It seems as though as we progress we also bring with us destruction and these diseases are a large issue that seems to be restricting our society.
3 - Environment - the actual environment itself isnt an issue that faces mankind however what mankind is doing to the environment is! We are clearly able to see how our poor efforts to reduce global warming are slowly coming back to haunt us. I feel that this is a large issue because there will soon be need for resources that we are quickly using up.
4 - War - it needs to stop and there are no other questions about it.
5 - Poverty - why does a country have to live with no food or water or even a home while those in Western society live it up and don't care about the scraps they throw away or the new pool they install. We need to learn how to care for those that are not ourselves.

Something I would change about the education system...

One thing i would change about the education system would be the the amount of life courses that we offer. I believe that students should be able to take more courses like careers to be able to explore deeper into what their future goals might entail. I think that if students were able to experience what opportunities there are in certain careers then choosing a specific field wouldn't be so terrifying. Also it would help students be less stressed out about leaving for high school feeling unprepared and nervous about their selection. This also gives students the opportunity to see how the career they have chosen will be like. So that they do not spend thousands of dollars on a program they might drop out of because it wasn't what they were expecting. I feel that with these types of courses students will feel more confident about their decisions and be able to choose a successful career path.

Big High School in a Small Town..

Being a one high school town is defiantly considered a pressure cooker. Like the issues addressed in American Teen having everyone go to the same school makes high school so much more intense. Since Ingersoll only has two options for high school the majority go to IDCI and since we live in a small town and everyone knows everyone and even if you don't know a person you've heard of them and or its not hard to find out who they are. This causes for major high school disaster. Like any school there are rumours that float around on a daily basis however in a small town school not only do those rumours spread like wildfire but there is an 87% chance that everyone knows exactly who you are. That's what makes going to a small town high school so hard because if something is said about you, you walk down the halls knowing that almost everyone knows and everyone is thinking about you and what happened. Which sound conceded but its true, if they know something when they see you a most likely negative thought appears in their mind. However in a larger school there is less of a chance of everyone knowing because there are simply too many people and even if one school does find out there are other school in that city that won't know. Where as if thee is a rumour in Ingersoll its almost like the whole town knows. And sometimes to a person the whole town can feel like the whole world and there is no escaping it.

American Teen

For me the most appealing teenager that I saw in this movie was Hannah Bailey. After her boyfriend broke up with her I felt the most sympathy for her. She was so brutally honest about everyone and she didn't care how anyone felt about her. She is content with who she is and doesn't want to change anything. Unlike the lead female student Megan Krizmanich who didn't care about how she treated anyone, it was all about her and everyone was expected to know that. I personally liked Hannah for her uniqueness and being true to herself, she was out of the group the easiest character to relate to and the most lovable.

Angels and Demons.

Angels and Demons, a fine piece of literature. Everything you want and more, historic facts, a grotesque love affair and an overall cheesy ending. Its just the book we've been searching for. My overall thoughts on the novel were that it was interesting it kept me entertained once I had overcome the first few chapters. I like the plot line and how the historic facts were Incorporated so that it didn't feel like i was reading a history textbook. I also had the privilege of reading the graphic novel which made it a lot more interesting to read, it allowed me to see how the sculptures looked and defiantly painted the setting better in my mind. I enjoyed the context of the novel, the style i had a bit of trouble with, Dan Brown being the lovable guy that he is just simply cannot control himself in the ways of cheesing up his plot lines. My most unimpressed moment of the book was like many other the last line in the novel. Not only did this ruin my thoughts for the next 6 months but it also left me with thousands of unanswered questions like how close to dying do you really have to be to even consider sleeping with Robert Langdon.

Growing Up Online.

Technology in school, I feel that today our world is ran by technology and there isn't much we can do to stop it. You can place 100 "do not use your cell phone signs" in a school and kids will still whip them out in class and send 200 texts at a speed no adult can comprehend. Its the way our society is turning and although we are trying to slow it down really there is no way we can. In respects the old methods of teaching are a dying breed, we are slowly slipping away from what used to hold such content and substance. However i feel that with the times changing the way they are the old methods of teaching no longer can be applied. Teenage students are so used to having everything happened fast, they can talk to their friends fast, they can order food fast, they can read books fast. They seem to able to learn fast but the fast you learn the more you miss. I can see that there is no use in trying to change how society is working but rather the education system (as much as it doesn't want to) will have to adapt. Teachers are going to have to re-do their lessons and bring them up to speed with how students are learning. Or else the attention and focus of all lessons will be lost because we as a generation simply cannot stay focused for that long. I feel that the students of today are fast moving and they will not slow down, they don't have the time to read hamlet or Frankenstein or any classics because there is something else that needs to be done. Part time jobs that need to be attended too and math homework that takes twice as long as it used to in the past. There is no time for reading in today's teenage life as depressing as that sounds. We simply can not sit still that long.